Mäntsälän Mehustamo in english

Mäntsälän Mehustamo is located nearby Helsinki. Mäntsälän Mehustamo makes juice from Finnish berries and Finnish apples. Juices have been made  by cold pressing system. Juices are ”full juices” without additional subjects. There is only berry´s or apple´s own juice in the bottle or in the bag-in-box, no water. Juice will remain in unopened bottle or bag-in-box in room temperature at least one year. After opening bottle remain in fridge one month. Juice will remain in opened bag-in-box at least half a year in room temperature. If you want to get know more or if you have any questions don´t hesitate to ask.  
e-mail:   mantsalan.mehustamo@msoynet.com tuorepuristettu-omenamehupunaviinimarja

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